Thursday 29 December 2011

Top 5 most popular topics searched on google

There are some topics which most searched on google by people. These topics are following :
1. Technology
2. world events
3. celebrities
4. sports & national events
5. regional results

Saturday 17 December 2011


I think there it many people who want educate be they have some problem so they drop out there schools or colleges but really We illiterate because of some problem in our life it's not fair. Because today we have many resources to make our self educated I really don't know what kind of problem people have But i know one think education is not for others it's about the Question of our knowledge if we take it like a task so we can't complete it very well or we can't gave our best for them. But if we accept it like a part of our daily life so we can absolutely achieve something our life. There are many people in the world who have different problems in their life but there are only few people in the world who achieves something in their life with their difficulties. So try to get at least graduation. After then you can get a good job.

Friday 16 December 2011

Hard work or regular

If you want to achieve something or you want to do something new or want to do anything else so you don't need to work hard for this You only need regular attempt for achieve your ambition or goal.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

how to face our fears

Don't ignore your fears because u can't avoid them forever our fears like a little devil if we avoid them so they will be convert in big devil so if u want to face them so need to do only some things as follows:
1. Just think about them every time try to scare your fears away from you.
2. Try to speak about your fears to others like your friends, relatives or your social network.
3. You should laugh at your fears when you think about them.
4. Most important think is always try to face your fears don't avoid them or don't make them too big.

If u can't do this all so always do one think get some knowledge about your fears its helps you to face them. And after a time period you can see them to let go from your mind & they will never come back.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

How to Achieve your goals & Make your dreams come true

Everyone want to achieve their goals, to make their dreams comes true, success, Money, fame etc in their life. But the question is how many people achieves all this in their life. The answer is only some people achieves all this in their life. I also think about how to get success in life so i get my answer everyone doing hard work to achieve their goals but no one set goals we are happy from our simple life we all don't want to think big. Why we don't think big if we want to achieve something so first we want to set our goals & at the time when we achieving our goals so that time we don't need any limits we only need to think big. So set your goals freely & just dream what want "dreams are extremely important" you can't achieve your goals unless u don't imagine your goal. Never give up that's the key of success.